Tips to Improve Handwriting


For children, neat, legible, cursive handwriting can be tough.   Writing involves a good grip, coordination and writing for long periods can be extremely tiring, especially in an exam situation.    If your child has educational needs then spelling, grammatical issues, and crossing outs can also be an issue.

When my boys were in primary school, they both had some issues with handwriting.   My oldest son, now 13, had beautiful handwriting until he was asked to do “joined-up” or cursive writing at which point it became an almost illegible scrawl.    His teacher at the time made me think he had some issues so I invested in a writing slope (never used), special pencil gripper and he also took home handwriting books to practice in.

I also researched online and found some ways to strengthen his fingers – tiddly winks, and games where he needed to manipulate objects and connect them together.

If your child is struggling with handwriting like my son at primary, the article below by Sue Smits talks about why she thinks that handwriting is so important and the importance of developing fine motor skills before your child even picks up a pen.   She also gives some handy tips on how to develop your child’s writing skills

If handwriting is a problem for your child, you may find that learning to touch type will help them get their thoughts down on paper so much more easily. To find out more about our courses, please visit

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